Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mum's are the Best :)

This morning I wasn't feeling well, so mom brought me a tray of breakfast in bed. Awww....isn't she the swetest?
Bright cheery flowers...I think they worked their magic because I'm feeling better now. :)
Yummy toast and jam and apple scone cake. Marie Antoinette treatment, that. ;)

And only the best, Twinings peppermint tea. I love this jolly little tea pot. It used to belong to my grandma.
Even the cutlery was special.
Do you like my tea cup? I bought it at World Market the other day for just under $3. I used up the rest of my gift card my brother gave me for Christmas and got some tea and a mug as well.
Well, I feel quite spoiled now...perhaps I wont ever do anything but lounge around from now on. ;)