After ironing 25 yards of muslin today I decided to do something a bit more fun. I was inspired by Pleasant View Schoolhouse's
post this weekend on starting a scrap quilt so today I decided to take the plunge and the result is the neat little pile above. So blissful compared to the brambles they were before. :) But indeed, this is just the beginning. I've hardly touched my scraps. Though I did make a dent. :) It feels so much nicer to have them in even pieces. Once I get a good collection I'll start sewing them together. Mmmm....I do love order. :)
While cutting out my quilt squares we watched Emma, this was the first Jane Austen film I fell in love with when I was around eleven. I still adore it to this day. :)

Don't you love that tea cup?

Now that I've finished reading North and South....maybe I ought to read through Emma while I'm waiting for my next book club book to arrive? ;)

I think it's a good plan. :)