Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random Wordage

Hello. :)

So, I'm really sorry I haven't posted hardly at all lately. I feel so lame. Our Internet hasn't been very cooperative and I've had a cold. The former supposedly is to be fixed this week. (huzzah!)

But I have been thinking about blogging. I keep wishing I had something really clever to say or something beautiful to show you. But alas, I haven't taken many pictures lately and my mind has been quite dull. Well, that's not entirely true. I've been endlessly daydreaming of Duchess gowns. It's my new obsession. Or at least it was until my dearie girls gave me two patterns from Sense and Sensibility last night as a belated birthday present. Now I'm all about Persuasion. I want to make one of Anne's gowns (the blue one) and her amazing military inspired pelisse. And now...I even want to read the book again. I blame them entirely. ;) I think, if I'm feeling up to it tomorrow, I shall sew. But that's what I said I was going to do today and I ended up only laying on the couch watching Disney films and eating crackers. hee hee I felt like a little kid. But you know...I may as well, the only time I don't feel guilty for this is when I'm sick so I may as well enjoy it, right? :)
We had our movie night last night and watched The Patriot and I almost finished all the eyelets on one half of my Elizabeth Swann corset. I'm loving it. Except it's taking too long because I already have three more corsets planned out.
You should see my bed right now. Piled all around me are heaps of fabric with papers pinned to them telling me what I want to use it for. I have patterns everywhere, sketchbooks, notebooks. A pot of (jasmine green) tea is on top of my wardrobe as there's no other clear surface for it. (and I really think it's safest up there) I feel like Professor Bhaer from Little Women only I have fabric and patterns everywhere instead of books. Ah,'s good to be inspired I suppose.

Well, I ought to be off to bed. I'm not saying anything of great importance anyway. But I like writing so hopefully you all don't mind. And even if you do, I guess it doesn't matter. haha Because this is my place to talk. ;)

Well, goodnight to those of you with the courage great enough to make it through this long and random post. I respect you greatly. :)