Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Good to be a Girl

I know it's just shampoo, a toothbrush, facial toner, and shower gel, but it's new and it feels good to bring something new home, even if it's just something I needed.
And I did splurge on a In Style magazine. I had to....Kate was on the cover! ;) (I deserved it for cutting back and buying cheaper, unhealthy bath stuff. Burt's Bees just isn't in my budget these days)
Anyway...I haven't been shopping since I was in London. I forgot how much I don't really like trying clothes on and how much I love it when they actually look cute.
I didn't do any sewing like I said I was going to. *shame* But I'll have all day tomorrow to sew. I promise I will. I really need to get serious about my Etsy shop. For real.