Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Birthday :)

I had a wonderful birthday. :) We just spent the day watching movies and drinking tea. It was quite lovely.
We watched Ladies in Lavender as it's filmed in Cornwall, England. I love this film. It made me a bit homesick but it was good to hear a proper Cornish accent again and watch them have tea and toast and pasties. :)
My favorite album at the moment I think is Hillsong's This is Our God. I love it so much. Could have something to do with the fact that that's pretty much everything we sang at Soul Survivor. Lots of memories behind those songs. But they are pretty awesome songs. :) Love it. My sister gave me an iTunes gift card for my birthday...I'm thinking of buying most of this album with it. But I might want some Tim Hughes too....oh, I don't know! :)

I bought myself a box of tea for my birthday with my World Market gift card my brother got me for Christmas. I LOVE this stuff...but it always gives me the jitters as it's pretty high in caffeine. But...I really really do love it.
Because Gen is the coolest...she got me a hot water bottle and made me the coziest fleece cover for it. She knows me well. :D I fell in love with hot water bottles last Christmas while I was staying in England. Auntie Ann would fill one up for me every night and it was the most comforting thing. :)
And she gave me the coolest book ever....
It inspires me! I love it. :)
My brother gave me Persuasion on DVD and my sister gave me candles and bubble bath and hand cream from a British cosmetic line.
Hmmm....kinda funny everything seems to revolve around England. I know I probably talk about it way too much all the time. I miss it so much. I'm slowly learning to get involved where I'm at. But one day I'll go back. I'll see the rugged coastlines and cobbled streets again and give and get warm hugs from friends and family.
In the meantime, I'll enjoy the friends and family I have here. :)