Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hair Inspiration

Awhile back Kelsie asked if I used any pictures to inspire my hair cut...I finally found a few of the ones I took in when I got my hair cut. Sorry it took me so long to get these on here!

Kirsten Dunst as Claire in Elizabethtown:
Katie Holmes:
Vanessa Hudgens:
And somehow we ended up with:
My sister cut it about 4" shorter than I wanted it...but I'm actually glad she did. I like it and it all needs to come off anyway because I need to get rid of my growing out highlights.
But I am looking forward to when the highlights are gone so I can grow my hair out. There's so many hairstyles I'm in love with that are long and wavy. But in the meantime I'm just enjoying my hair as it is. :)