Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Award :)

The Kincell Family awarded me with the "Honest Scrap" award last week and I'm finally getting around to posting about it...Thanks so much you guys! :)
Here are the rules for the "Honest Scrap" Award:

1. Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award
2. Share "ten honest things" about yourself.
3. Present this award to 7 others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
4. Tell those 7 people that they've been awarded the "Honest Scrap" and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

Ten Honest Things About me

1. I like to stay up late. I get really inspired late at night and that's usually when I get the most done.

2. I don't like it when people don't tell me things and I end up finding out through some one else. I'd rather the person just told me in the first place.

3. I have serious mood minute I'll be in love with sewing....the next I never want to see a piece of fabric again.

4. I have a bad habit of telling people everything about myself. I don't keep many secrets that have to do with me. I'm working on that. I need to have some mystery I think. ;)

5. I used to be really good at making pie. I might still be...but the last time I made a pie I was living in England and it was a flop. I blame all the cooks in the kitchen telling me how to do it. They didn't trust my cooking skills. :)

6. I'm somewhat of a piano snob. I never play my piano (old upright) but I love playing my friend's upright grand...or any grand piano for that matter. It's hard to keep me away from it. But my poor piano is in constant neglect.

7. I love reading and writing more than sewing. But I can only write when no one is awake.

8. It's really hard for me to think of ten honest things about myself.

9. I like having adventures by myself. I love discovering new places and meeting new people.

10. I really want to learn to play the guitar and cello...and get over my fear of singing in front of people.


I'm just going to pass this award on to my friend Becks for her blog Stories about Me. She is always such an encouragement and blessing to me. Love her so much.

So Beckah, this award is for you!

If anyone else wants an award...go ahead and take it. :) I award you!