Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Weekend

I spent the weekend with Becks, housesitting for some friends of was really fun. :)

We watched Planet Earth every night...which is AMAZING...but can be scary when one leaves me to drift off to dream land and I'm left alone watching sharks and other creepy sea creatures alone. Somehow it's scary when your alone.
Saturday Beckah made and amazing breakfast:
Mmmm...pancakes and bacon and cream of wheat and orange juice.
And Maple Syrup!
We enjoyed Jenny's piano. :)
After breakfast, a walk, hot tub, and a shower Beckah made lunch:

Isn't she awesome?

And I made chocolate chip cookies!

Then we watched more movies, Fool's Gold...Phantom of the Opera (which makes me weep)
Sunday my family came over and we watched Wives and Daughters.
Aimee trying to sneak up on us:

Then while out feeding the cows we decided to have a photo shoot:

And that was my weekend. It was wonderful. :)