Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lord of the Rings Marathon

Yesterday my friends and I had a Lord of the Rings marathon...which is always fun but a bit exhausting. :P
But...I got lots of sewing done and got quite a ways on my Elizabeth Swann corset. I'm also super inspired now for new costume ideas. (Arwen's Chase dress and Faramir's costume are on my list at the moment)
This time watching Lord of the Rings I decided Faramir and Eowyn are the coolest. (I have the right to have different favorites every time I watch it)

But of course Sam is still my favorite too.

And I decided Rosie Cotton is really cute and I love her clothes.

Anyway...I love these movies and I would love to post a million pictures of all my favorite characters and costumes...but I shall save it for when I'm actually making the costumes.

Speaking of costumes...if you want to see what I've been up to lately check out my costume blog.

Anyway...yeah...I'm so inspired now. :)