I'm safely here! The flight went well and other than feeling very ill for most of it (I'm not much of a flyer) everything went smoothly. I was starving after I got off the of the plain as I hadn't eaten in 12 hours so I was really excited to get some breakfast after I got through customs, however I got held up at the UK boarder. They didn't want to let me in the country and held me up for three hours while they went through my luggage and contacted people to make sure I was doing what I said I was. I guess I wasn't too much of a threat because they finally let me in. Yay! I met my friend Amy at Paddington station and had a lovely banana and a sandwhich. Ah, such bliss. :)
Then we dumped my luggage off at her house and road about London and went to her home group that night which was all loads of fun. It was pouring rain the whole time we were walking about so I was so thankful for buying a raincoat before I left. I think it was my wisest investment besides a plain ticket! :)
The next day I road the train down to Cornwall and later that night Heather arrived as well. It's been great getting to know her. :)
We've had gorgeous weather here these past few days. It's amazing!