Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas gifts so far...

Yesterday our sewing group had a gift exchange. I had drawn Daisy's name so I made her this basket/bag out of some stiff yarn:
And this little owly cuff:

I was trying to be Christmasy with the green and the red eyes. I hope the owls don't look too evil. ;)
Then last night I went to Wal-Mart with Becks and we wandered around looking for something we "needed". I got this:
I know, it's BLACK. heehee It was only 97 cents though and I always wanted to wear black nail polish. Besides, it's not so emo anymore...it's becoming quite classy. (at least I think it can be) So I will have fun with it. :) I think it would be fun to use in a black and white photo shoot.
Now I'm off to get some laundry done and finish up the rest of my Christmas gifts....