Was having a bit of fun with the camera this morning and took some pictures of my favorite things laying around.
My ring: (I bought it in London...isn't it cool?) Some British coinage, a shell from Ann and my "friendship rock" from Luke: My little owl from Daisy (I still need to name him) and my honey jar from Jenny: My favorite book I own: It looks like it's been through an adventure. :) I haven't ever read it yet...but when I do I know it will be my favorite book. Just because it's got to be cool. The cover is cool...the name is cool...and it's about a Knight...I think. I also added music to my blog...we'll see how I feel about it after awhile, if I keep it or not. But I added some fun songs that have memories behind them. Some of them are a little cheezy, but they make me smile. :) Anyway...that's it for now..I need to go do something more productive for awhile.
"A story is a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it."
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it. "~Edward Cullen, Twilight
"Perhaps it is our imperfections which make us so perfect for one another."~Mr Knightley, Emma
"Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do."~Pope John XXIII
"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, And finds in your presence that life is worth while, So when you are lonely, remember it's true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you." ~Unknown