Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where I'm at Now...

Now that I'm finally caught up on sharing pictures from my England trip in October I am excited to share progress of our moving!
We're moving to England to help out with Oasis church as soon as we get everything together and sell our house! Lately mum and I have been sorting through stuff, selling some thing and giving some stuff to friends. I think the hardest is going through our fabric stash. But in a way it's nice to get off to a fresh start. I'm keeping a box full of my favorites though to see if I can get it sewn up before we leave. :)
First thing I'm working on is a wool coat. I had a wool coat on my shopping list to buy before we move and one day I found a wool blanket I used to use for Civil War reenacting, I was about to toss it in the "give away" pile when I suddenly thought..."Wool coat"!
I bought this pattern awhile back, so I am trying it out:
Here is the gray plaid wool blanket which I matched with some heavy gray fabric for the lining leftover from my Jane Bennet Housecoat : Here is another plaid wool blanket I used for reenacting I'm going to make into a coat. I matched it with some dark blue fabric left over from dad's pirate coat. I hope there's enough! This one I want to use the wool for the lining and the blue fabric for the outside. Progress so far on my gray coat:
I've also sorted through a ton of my costumes! I put a few in my etsy shop. So, you can take a look at those if your interested in any. :)
Well, that's pretty much it for now! I'll try to keep updated as we progress. :)