Thursday, January 24, 2008

An Epic Year

I already sent this letter out to several friends, but I just thought I'd post it here in case I missed anyone. :)

Dear Friends,
I hope this past year has been an amazing one for you. I thought I'd share a bit about my year with you, and some of what God has shown me. Bear with me, I love to write!
Every year, along with most of the world, I tend to look back over the past year and reflect on things. I get out my old journals and review the things God taught me, the things I've gone through, and how I've grown from it, and then I set new goals for the new year.
This past year has been epic. Never has a year been so hard and so good. I think life tends to be best when you go through rough roads, because you tend to seek God harder and therefore draw closer to Him then you would have if life had just been perfect. Then there's that incredible moment, when you think life could never get better, or worse, when all of the sudden the sun comes out, and God blesses you in the most amazing ways.
As I look back through my old journals from the past year, one thing stands out as being the most repetitive, I wanted to find God's will for my life. This journey began years before but I think the big turning moment for me was last March. I went through a real faith shaking trial and I found myself at a crossroad, I either I would draw closer to God or draw further from Him. But seriously, I could not even begin to imagine life with out God. "But it is good for me to draw near to God." Psalm 73:28a I realized I wasn't doing much to pursue God, and suddenly I wanted to know Him more than ever. My first step was to join a small group, a HUGE step for me being the shy person I am and not knowing a single person there. But that group became one of the most positive things in my life.
On April 10th, I came across this verse: "Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 I started thinking about what if I actually decided to try and live that verse. I'd read it hundreds of times, but never really lived it out. So I took the first step, starting with trusting God. Easy, right? Believe it or not, this was the hardest thing for me. I never realized how much I didn't trust God with. It was a battle to let go of a lot of things that I believed I knew better than He did what I needed. It was one of the most painfully rewarding journeys of my life. One I still struggle with, but gets a little easier as time goes on. Next step, knowing Him. Acknowledging that He is there. Making time for God, and putting Him first. For several months, I never ended a prayer. I was in constant conversation with God, that's how it should be! It was one of the richest times of my life. Also engrossing myself in His word.
On July 3rd, I was extremely tired. It was the night I go to small group but I just didn't feel like going. It wouldn't hurt to miss one night! I was just about to stay home when I felt this prompting, "You need to go tonight." Alright...I'll go. On the way there, I had this extremely strange burden for England. I've always wanted to go there, my whole life, but I had never felt such a strong desire and burden. Why would I feel burdened? What was that about? I tried to shove the feeling aside and prayed, "God, take this away, I need to be content where I'm at. I don't want to get distracted with my desires again."
I went in to the house and we had our Bible study as usual, then at the end our small group leader made his announcements. What came out of his mouth about made my jaw hit the floor. Back in the beginning of the year a young man from England had interned at our church, he'd been in our small group but I hadn't got to know him very well since he went back home not long after I started going to the group. Anyway, the announcement was that he and his family had started a church back in England and they were taking a team over in October to help out. When mom picked me up, I told her about it and shared the burden I felt on the way there. She said, "Your going!" I laughed and told her I needed to pray about it for awhile. Two weeks later I purchased a ticket. I still didn't believe I was going, I still didn't have a passport and the ticket had taken my last penny. It was, what I thought, a risky leap of faith. Within a week I was paid for a couple house sitting jobs, one paid me 4 times as much as they were supposed to! I had exactly enough for my passport! My passport arrived in 9 days! The rest of the summer I did odd jobs to save money for the rest of the trip. The day before we left, I had enough. God is amazing!
The trip was incredible! I cannot describe how challenging and refreshing it was. God taught me so much on this trip! During the 12 short days we were there, I felt a huge burden to stay. I felt so at peace, like I was where I was meant to be. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had found God's will for my life. I almost didn't come home. :)
When I got home, I hardly got in the car before my parents were telling me about a really good deal on tickets they had found. They wanted to come check this place out. I was blown away.
November 30, we boarded a plane for Cornwall, England. We spent 9 days there and in within 6 we made the decision to come home and sell our house and move there to work alongside our new friends in their new ministry.
Here's what I've learned from the past year, when you set out to seek God's will, it will be epic! And when you "Delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart." The key is delight yourself in Him and your desire will become His will! Also, TRUST GOD. Seriously, we are living proof that He is trustworthy! Only He could make the things happen that have. The Word of God, live it out!
Our journey has only just begun, we still have a lot to do before moving is even possible, but we have no doubts that it will happen in His timing. He provides in miraculous ways.
I hope the new year finds you all well and safe, and may I encourage you to pursue Him, in the new year. There's no greater resolution you could make. And believe me, it's so rewarding!
I look forward to hearing from you all, have a Happy New Year!
~Anna Kristine

If you want to check out the church we will be working with their web site is: