Monday, January 18, 2010

"Without thread, the world would be chaos..."

Last week my mom and I went to our friend Belle's house to visit and crochet like we try to go do with her every week. I love going to see her because she inspires me so much and she's such a sweetheart and we always have tea and fig newton's. The past several times I've gone I've taken my knitting but last week I thought I'd try and use up some of my doily thread and make some doilies. So this is the problem. Belle saw that I was crocheting with smaller thread and it reminded her she had a whole box of small thread she didn't like to use and she gave it to me. Oh the irritating bliss. Because I couldn't say no. I mean look at how beautiful they are...
So I'm going to be making a lot of doilies. But I think I'm strangely okay with that.